Saturday, October 25, 2008

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Get A Windows Run Box Even if Run & Task Manager are Disabled

If your Run dialog has been disabled and your machine’s task manager is disabled,so don’t be panic,RunMimic is the solution. RunMimic is an emulation of the Windows Run dialog, it even looks the same!

If your Run dialog has been disabled and your machine’s task manager is disabled,so don’t be panic,RunMimic is the solution. RunMimic is an emulation of the Windows Run dialog, it even looks the same!

RunMimic is 21k portable executable, looks almost exactly like the regular Windows run box and it’s just as functional.All of the commands I normally need to issue worked without a hitch: services.msc, compmgmt.msc, control, appwiz.cpl, regedt32, cmd. RunMimic also had no problem getting Explorer to access my network file shares.

Since it’s portable, this is a nice little app to keep on a flash drive in case of emergencies. RunMimic is not the kind of program I need often, but I tend to work by the old Boy Scout motto: “Be prepared.”